Office Pick-me-up

Six postures right at your desk. Nothing fancy, but an easy and effective way to brush away the brain fog and address those areas which can use a little daily maintenance and care.  Desk-dwellers and the like can benefit greatly from neck and shoulder stretches, chest and hip openers, twists and poses that lengthen the spine, all of which you can find below.  For a longer and more thorough sequence check out my previous blog on Office Yoga, but for now, enjoy a little yoga break and experience how the postures can help deepen your breath, soothe tension and clear your mind - the perfect recipe for a mini office pick-me-up!

*Be sure to stay in each posture/side for at least 5 breaths. 

From left to right: 

1.  Sit or stand with the hands interlaced and feet hip-width apart.  Flip your palms and reach them overhead.  After a few breaths in the center, arc the body to the right, breathing into the left side waist and ribs.  Come back to center and repeat on second side.

2.  Upper back stretch - interlace the fingers and stretch the arms away at chest height, palms facing inward. As this is essentially a seated cat pose, breathe deeply into the space between the shoulderblades, and let the head gently release down. 

3.  Seated twist - Sit at the edge of your seat, turn the torso to the right with the left palm to the outside of the right thigh and the right hand/arm to the back of the chair.  Breathe in as you sit taller and rotate through the navel as your exhale.  Repeat on second side.

4.  Neck stretch - Sit or stand tall with feet hip-width apart.  Place your right hand on your left ear and gently tilt your head to the right, relaxing the left shoulder downwards. Repeat on second side. 

5.  Ankle to knee - Sit at the edge of your chair and bring your left ankle on top of your right thigh (more towards the knee but avoid placing it directly on top).  Observe the stretch into the outer left hip, adding more leverage and stretch as you lean your torso forward.  Some may like to drape the torso over the leg with the fingertips to the floor. Repeat on second side.  

6.  Chest opener - Sit or stand tall with the feet hip-width apart and the hands interlaced behind the back.  Slowly reach your arms back, feeling the chest broaden and the front of the shoulders stretch.  To go deeper, bring the heel of the hands towards one another, closing the hands.  Keep your gaze forward or tilt the head slightly up.