Live your best life. 

Develop the yoga practice that allows you to discover and unleash your healthiest and best self. As with all of my students, my goal is to help you create a space where you can explore and take greater control over your wellbeing. A place to develop a healthy consciousness of your body, mind and, if you're seeking it, your spiritual self. A place to relax, recharge and develop an innate strength, resiliency and sense of purpose you can carry from my space to all of yours, wherever they may be. 

See my latest blog! 

After moving to Okinawa, I struggled to find a yoga community to join - until I started practicing with Hannah. Her style is approachable and inclusive, and she builds an atmosphere where all of the members of her class are at ease and connected, even if they don’t speak the same language. Practicing with Hannah has helped me to grow in my personal practice and in building bonds with other yogis. I am deeply grateful to have crossed paths with Hannah!
— Meg Barnett, Okinawa, Japan